Stolen post on this day of Women’s marches

Bastardized post from a friend. And by that I mean that I removed all the bits about God and added some parts of my own. My additions are in italics.


I support a woman’s right to vote.

I support a woman’s right to work.

I support a woman’s education.

I support a woman’s right to equal pay for equal work.

I support a woman’s need for mammograms, pap smears, birth control and women’s health care. However, I don’t necessarily support it as free. If other prescriptions have co-pays, so too should birth control. What makes birth control any more special than heart medication, asthma inhalers, insulin and other medications that keep people alive?

The same goes with sterilization. Please tell me why female sterilization is free when male sterilization is not? Insurance only covers 60 – 70% of the cost of male sterilization. Vasectomies are less expensive, not as invasive a procedure and, quite frankly, isn’t it the guy’s turn? Nothing is more empowering than to send the man to the doctor for a little snip-snip when you are done having, or don’t plan to have children.

I support women.

For the most part I do not support abortion.

I do not support the systematic convincing of a world of women that just because the human being is within our body, we are somehow able to butcher, burn, or destroy it and not be held morally responsible.

Then there are the fathers. We take the voices away from our men…take away their right to protect their unborn children…and then we wonder where the men are. We have silenced them, ladies.

This is not women’s rights. This is not women’s health. This is not supporting our homes or our families.  It is destroying our health, our homes, and our families.  It has created a culture that celebrates the right to choose that our babies, safe and secure in our wombs, die by our hand.

If you have become pregnant as the result of rape or incest, I support your right to choose. 

If YOUR life is at risk, I still support your right to choose.

Other than that, I do not. 

If you plan to be sexually active, get AND RELIGIOUSLY USE birth control.

If, in the heat of the moment you forget or fail to use birth control (or the condom breaks), get the morning after pill immediately. Taking control of your reproductive health is empowering. Killing a child you don’t want is not.

If you disagree with me, that is your right. I can’t change your heart, but this is mine. Babies, unplanned or unwanted, are not ruining our lives. We are. I believe every life is valuable and precious. I believe we are destroying the very essence of what makes us human…I believe there is healing and there are answers…but abortion isn’t it.

And, for my friends who have had an abortion, I would never hold that against you. Just please do not tell me that I do not support women if I don’t support abortion.

All I ever needed to know about Obama

All I ever needed to know about (thankfully) now former Pesident Obama can be summed up in one short phrase… International Megan’s Law. And the fact that he actually signed this abomination of a bill into law.

This law was opposed by many, including the ACLU and our country’s own State Department.


Because for the first time in history, a segment of our citizens will have their passports marked.

Because even though a passport is applied for, citizens must go through a background check to determine if one should be issued. If you are a danger to society, your application is denied.

And ultimately, because this ridiculous legislation is based on fear, not real facts.

Hell, even the Huffington Post actually got the facts in their article right, and that is saying something.

Frankly, there are so very few politicians who step up and do what is right rather than what is popular and what will get them votes. I understand, but they get no points in my eyes. Do what is right no matter what the consequences. If it means you get one term, then you get one term.

Am I sorry to see him go? Nope.

Do I have hope for the future? Absolutely. We should always have hope. (Betty White does have that nailed.)

Do I want President Trump to fail? Hell no. We are all in this together.

And yes, I am hoping and praying that someone will right the wrongs that this portion of our society has had forced upon them.